Faculty Curriculum
Graduate School
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Grade Semester Division Subject No Subject Credit In English
1 2 General Education Required Course 100788 Logical Writing 3 Y
1 2 General Education Required Course 100166 Calculus(2) 3 Y
1 2 General Education Required Course 100817 Advanced Calculus(2) 3  
1 2 General Education Required Course 101068 General Physics(2) 2 Y
1 2 General Education Required Course 101069 General Physics Experiment(2) 1  
1 2 Major Electives 111066 Safety and Livelihood 2  
1 2 Major Electives 111483 Introduction to Safety Engineering 3  
1 2 Major Electives 111632 Intorduction of Electrical Engineering 3 Y
1 2 Major Electives 161004 Statics 3 Y
1 2 Basic Requirements 100834 General Chemistry 3  
2 2 Major Required Courses 111303 Material and Construction 3  
2 2 Major Required Courses 111646 Work Environment Measurement 3 Y
2 2 Major Electives 111083 Safety Culture 3 Y
2 2 Major Electives 111087 Introduction to Smart Safety 3  
2 2 Major Electives 111495 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering 3  
2 2 Major Electives 111603 Risk Management 2  
2 2 Major Electives 111604 Disaster Safety Management 3  
2 2 Major Electives 111647 Safety Psychology 3 Y
3 2 Major Required Courses 111533 Explosion Protection Engineering 3  
3 2 Major Required Courses 111636 Occupational Safety and Health Law 3  
3 2 Major Electives 111069 Human Error 3 Y
3 2 Major Electives 111085 Reliability Engineering 3  
3 2 Major Electives 111266 Combustion Engineering 3 Y
3 2 Major Electives 111607 Architecture Fire 3  
3 2 Major Electives 111608 Structural Safety Engineering 3  
3 2 Major Electives 111609 Field training(1) 3  
3 2 Major Electives 111610 Co-operation Education Project(1) 12  
3 2 Major Electives 111611 Co-operative Education Program(1) 6  
3 2 Major Electives 111640 Construction Safety Design 3 Y
4 2 Major Electives 111072 Off-site consequence analysis & risk management 3  
4 2 Major Electives 111522 Gas Safety Engineering 3  
4 2 Major Electives 111535 Process Safety Management 3  
4 2 Major Electives 111652 Hazardous Substance Management 3  
Department of Safety Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, Korea Tel:+82-2-970-6372
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