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Jaewook Jeong
Construction Safety & Management
Journal Papers
◾ Network-based safety risk analysis and interactive dashboard for root cause identification in construction accident management, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, vol.256 No.110814, 2025정재욱
◾ Analyzing the Impact of Digital Safety Incentive Payment Platforms on Workers’ Safety Attitudes and Project Safety Performance, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, vol.40 No.11 pp.273~280, 2024정재욱
◾ Development of Calculation Method for Full-Time Equivalent Workers per Man-Year to Improve Fatality Rate Estimation, SUSTAINABILITY, vol.16 No.21, 2024정재욱
◾ Investigating Issues and Improvements of Health and Safety Education Systems in Construction through Field Survey and Overseas Case Studies, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, vol.40 No.10 pp.251~258, 2024정재욱
◾ Systematic Review of Quantitative Risk Quantification Methods in Construction Accidents, buildings, vol.14 No.10, 2024정재욱
◾ Current Research and Future Directions for Off-Site Construction through LangChain with a Large Language Model, buildings, vol.14 No.8, 2024정재욱
◾ Sustainability in Prefabricated Construction: Enhancing Multicriteria Analysis and Prediction Using Machine Learning, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.150 No.8, 2024정재욱
◾ Data-driven automatic classification model for construction accident cases using natural language processing with hyperparameter tuning, Automation in Construction, vol.164, 2024정재욱
◾ Analysis of the Effect of Outdoor Thermal Comfort on Construction Accidents by Subcontractor Types, SUSTAINABILITY, vol.16 No.12, 2024정재욱
◾ Quantitative Accident Risk Estimation for Infrastructure Facilities Based on Accident Case Analysis, buildings, vol.14 No.5 pp.1283~, 2024정재욱
◾ Safety of Industrial Overhead Doors : A Review of Maintenance and Parallel Safety Devices, Journal of the Korean Society of Safety, vol.39 No.1 pp.33~40, 2024정재욱
◾ Evaluation of Mobile Risk Perception Training System for Improving the Safety Awareness of Construction Workers, buildings, vol.13 No.12 pp.3024~, 2023정재욱
◾ Development of a Web-based Quantitative Risk Assessment Model in Construction upon project life cycle perspective, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, vol.39 No.10 pp.291~298, 2023정재욱
◾ Evaluation of the effect of particulate matter on construction accidents using relative probability, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, vol.13 No.18045, 2023정재욱
◾ Exploration of the Importance and Impact of Cost Items in Occupational Safety and Health Management Funds and Safety Management Expenditures in Construction, Journal of The Korea Institute of Building Construction, vol.23 No.5 pp.639~650, 2023정재욱
◾ Quantitative methodology of environmental impact and economic assessment under equivalent conditions for prefabricated systems, Journal of Building Engineering, vol.76 No.107104, 2023정재욱
◾ Assessing Dust Emissions, Health Impacts, and Accident Risks in Prefabricated and Conventional Construction: A Comprehensive Comparative Study, BUILDINGS, vol.13 No.9 pp.2305~, 2023정재욱
◾ Optimization model for selecting optimal prefabricated column design considering environmental impacts and costs using genetic algorithm, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, vol.417 No.10 pp.137995~, 2023정재욱
◾ Establishment of outdoor thermal comfort index groups for quantifying climate impact on construction accidents, Sustainable Cities and Society, vol.91, 2023정재욱
◾ Improving the Model for Estimating the Number of Construction Workers for Apartment Construction, SUSTAINABILITY, vol.15 No.9, 2023정재욱
◾ A comparative Analysis of Overseas Cases to Enhance Effectiveness of CEO’s Safety and Health Duties - Focusing on Serious Accidents Punishment Act(SAPA) and Singapore’s New System -, Journal of The Korean Society of Safety, vol.38 No.1 pp.55~61, 2023정재욱
◾ Quantitative Risk Evaluation by Building Type Based on Probability and Cost of Accidents, buildings, vol.13 No.2, 2023정재욱
◾ Evaluation of Accident Risk Level Based on Construction Cost, Size and Facility Type, sustainability, vol.15 No.2, 2023정재욱
◾ A Novel Safety Risk Assessment Based on Fuzzy Set Theory and Decision Methods in High-Rise Buildings, buildings, vol.12 No.12, 2022정재욱
◾ Data-driven approach to develop prediction model for outdoor thermal comfort using optimized tree-type algorithms, Building and Environment, vol.226, 2022정재욱
◾ Cost Overrun Risk Assessment and Prediction in Construction Projects: A Bayesian Network Classifier Approach, buildings, vol.12 No.10 pp.3390~, 2022정재욱
◾ Learning-driven construction productivity prediction for prefabricated external insulation wall system, Automation in Construction, vol.141, 2022정재욱
◾ Quantitative Analysis of the Accident Prevention Costs in Korean Construction Projects, buildings, vol.12 No.10, 2022정재욱
◾ Empirical Analysis of Dust Health Impacts on Construction Workers Considering Work Types, buildings, vol.12 No.8, 2022정재욱
◾ A Study on the Effect of Safety Leadership on Organizational Trust at Construction Site: Focusing on the Moderating Effect of Communication and Motivation, Journal of the Korean Society of Safety, vol.37 No.3 pp.24~33, 2022정재욱
◾ Quantitative Risk Evaluation of Fatal Incidents in Construction Based on Frequency and Probability Analysis, Journal of Management in Engineering, vol.38 No.2, 2022정재욱
◾ Comparative Analysis of the National Fatality Rate in Construction Industry Using Time-Series Approach and Equivalent Evaluation Conditions, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol.19 No.4, 2022정재욱
◾ Comparative Analysis of Degree of Risk between the Frequency Aspect and Probability Aspect Using Integrated Uncertainty Method Considering Work Type and Accident Type in Construction Industry, Applied Sciences, vol.12 No.3, 2022정재욱
◾ Analysis of the Relationship between Construction Accidents and PM10 Level using Big Data, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, vol.38 No.1 pp.245~251, 2022정재욱
◾ Novel approach of the integrated work risk breakdown structure for identifying the hierarchy of fatal incident in construction industry, Journal of Building Engineering, vol.41, 2021정재욱
◾ Improving Marine Concrete Performance Based on Multiple Criteria Using Early Portland Cement and Chemical Superplasticizer Admixture, Materials, vol.14 No.17, 2021정재욱
◾ Development of Framework for Estimating Fatality-Related Losses in the Korean Construction Industry, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt, vol.18 No.16, 2021정재욱
◾ Comparison of Difference in the Investigation of Fatality Rate in Construction among Various Countries, Journal of The Korean Society of Safety, vol.36 No.4 pp.47~53, 2021정재욱
◾ Quantification analysis of safety investment cost and fatal accident cost in construction, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, vol.37 No.7 pp.211~218, 2021정재욱
◾ Exploring Fatalities and Injuries in Construction by Considering Thermal Comfort Using Uncertainty and Relative Importance Analysis, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol.18 No.11, 2021정재욱
◾ Sustainability and performance assessment of binary blended low-carbon concrete using supplementary cementitious materials, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, vol.280/1 No.124373, 2021정재욱
◾ Mix design optimization and environmental impact assessment of low-carbon materials containing alkali-activated slag and high CaO fly ash, Construction and Building Materials, vol.267, 2021정재욱
◾ Necessity of Improvements on Code of Practice at the Demolotion Work considering Building Structure Type: Based on Demolition work of Permission and Registration, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.21 No.6 pp.66~74, 2020정재욱
◾ Improvements of Design for Safety in Construction through Multi-Participants Perception Analysis, Applied Sciences, vol.10 No.13, 2020정재욱
◾ Engineering, Durability, and Sustainability Properties Analysis of High-Volume, PCC Ash-Based Concrete, Sustainability, vol.12 No.9, 2020정재욱
◾ 중대재해 사례에 기반한 건설업의 작업 및 위험분류체계 통합 프레임워크 개발, Korea Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.21 No.3 pp.11~19, 2020정재욱
◾ Improvements of Design For Safety in Korea based on the Comparative Analysis with Other Countries, Journal of the Korean Society of Safety, vol.34 No.6 pp.38~49, 2019정재욱
◾ Comparative Analysis of Demolition Work Regulation for Improving Safety Management, Review of Korea Construction Safety, vol.2 No.2 pp.12~19, 2019정재욱
◾ Development of a rooftop solar photovoltaic rating system considering the technical and economic suitability criteria at the building level, ENERGY, vol.160 pp.213~224, 2018정재욱
◾ A model for determining the optimal lease payment in the solar lease business for residences and third-party companies - With focus on the region and on multi-family housing complexes, RENEWABLE SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS, vol.82 pp.824~836, 2018정재욱
◾ Establishment of an optimal occupant behavior considering the energy consumption and indoor environmental quality by region, APPLIED ENERGY, vol.204 pp.1431~1443, 2017정재욱
◾ A simplified estimation model for determining the optimal rooftop photovoltaic system for gable roofs, ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, vol.151 pp.320~331, 2017정재욱
◾ Establishment of a base price for the Solar Renewable Energy Credit (SREC) from the perspective of residents and state governments in the United States, RENEWABLE SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS, vol.75 pp.1066~1080, 2017정재욱
◾ Improvements of the operational rating system for existing residential buildings, APPLIED ENERGY, vol.193 pp.112~124, 2017정재욱
◾ Development of a prediction model for the cost saving potentials in implementing the building energy efficiency rating certification, Applied Energy, vol.189 pp.257~270, 2017정재욱
◾ An integrated evaluation of productivity, cost and CO2 emission between prefabricated and conventional columns, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, vol.142 pp.2393~2406, 2017정재욱
◾ Development of an integrated energy benchmark for a multi-family housing complex using district heating, APPLIED ENERGY, vol.179 pp.1048~1061, 2016정재욱
◾ Establishing environmental benchmarks to determine the environmental performance of elementary school buildings using LCA, ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, vol.127 pp.818~829, 2016정재욱
◾ Development of an evaluation process for green and non-green buildings focused on energy performance of G-SEED and LEED, BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, vol.105 pp.172~184, 2016정재욱
◾ Development of a new energy benchmark for improving the operational rating system of office buildings using various data-mining techniques, APPLIED ENERGY, vol.173 pp.225~237, 2016정재욱
◾ An integrated multi-objective optimization model for determining the optimal solution in the solar thermal energy system, ENERGY, vol.102 pp.416~426, 2016정재욱
◾ Evaluation of life cycle energy consumption and CO2 emission of Elementary School of Buildings, 한국건설관리학회 논문집, vol.17 No.3 pp.52~60, 2016정재욱
◾ Model for Evaluating the Financial Viability of the BOT Project for Highway Service Areas in South Korea, JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING, vol.32 No.2, 2016정재욱
◾ Establishing a Energy Utilization Database for Energy Performance Evaluation of Multi-Family Housing using District Heating, 한국건설관리학회 논문집, vol.16 No.5 pp.105~113, 2015정재욱
◾ Environmental Impacts Assessment of Elementary School Buildings and Establishment of the Reference Target using Life Cycle Assessment Model, 한국건설관리학회 논문집, vol.16 No.3 pp.49~58, 2015정재욱
Conference Papers
◾ 김상원, 정재욱, Study for Extension of Safety Activitis Involvement by Worker Centered Risk Assessment, 2024 Fall conference of The Korean Society of Safety, 부산벡스코, 2024정재욱
◾ 윤상호, Louis Kumi, 문형준, 김민지, 손재희, 정재욱, Analysis of Accident Characteristic of Military Small Construction Workplace in Korea, 2024 Fall conference of The Korean Society of Safety, 부산벡스코, 2024정재욱
◾ 박태석, Louis Kumi, 문형준, 김민지, 윤상호, 손재희, 송민우, 정재욱, Analysis of Construction Accident Risk According to Regional Fine Dust Level Based on GIS, 2024 Fall conference of The Korean Society of Safety, 부산벡스코, 2024정재욱
◾ 김민지, Louis Kumi, 문형준, 윤상호, 손재희, 정재욱, Establishment of Automatic Matching Technology for Machine Learning-Based Construction Safety Reports and Similar Cases, 2024 Fall conference of The Korean Society of Safety, 부산벡스코, 2024정재욱
◾ Louis Kumi, 문형준, 김민지, 윤상호, 손재희 , 구민상, 정재욱, Analysis of the Relationship between Safety Factors and Accident Risk Using Network Analysis, 2024 Fall conference of The Korean Society of Safety, 부산벡스코, 2024정재욱
◾ 이은석, 정재욱, A Study on the Correlation between Unstable Behavior and the Number of Inputs in Construction Sites through Mathematical Modeling Analysis, 2024 Fall conference of The Korean Society of Safety, 부산벡스코, 2024정재욱
◾ 정재욱, Louis Kumi, 정재민, 이민수, 문형준, 김민지, Deep Learning for Proactive Construction Safety: Automated Classification of Construction Design for Safety Reports, Tenth International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis, Athenaeum Intercontinental, Athens, 2024정재욱
◾ 김민지, Louis Kumi, 문형준, 윤상호, 정재욱, A Comparative Analysis of Overseas Cases for the Improvement of Safety and Health Education of Construction Workers, 2024 Spring conference of The Korean Society of Safety, 메종글래드제주, 2024정재욱
◾ 손재희, Louis Kumi, 문형준, 김민지, 윤상호, 정재욱, Data-driven Methodology to Assess The Risk of Construction Accidents across Various Types of Facilities Considering Outdoor Thermal Comfort, 2024 Spring conference of The Korean Society of Safety, 메종글래드제주, 2024정재욱
◾ 송민우, Louis Kumi, 문형준, 윤상호, 김민지, 정재욱, Analysis of Construction Accidents according to Construction Type Using Outdoor Thermal Comfort Index, 2024 Spring conference of The Korean Society of Safety, 메종글래드제주, 2024정재욱
◾ 문형준, 정재욱, Louis Kumi, 윤상호, 김민지, Analysis of Universal Thermal Comfort Index in Köppen- Geiger Climate Regions of the South Korea, 2024 Spring conference of The Korean Society of Safety, 메종글래드제주, 2024정재욱
◾ 김복기, 정재욱, Parallel Structure of Overhead Door Drop Safety Device and Effect Analysis of Preventive Maintenance, 2023 fall conference of The Korean Society of Safety, 부산BEXCO, 2023정재욱
◾ 우상혁, 정재욱, A Study on the Safety Consciousness of Daily Workers (Volume Contract) in Construction Site, 2023 fall conference of The Korean Society of Safety, 부산BEXCO, 2023정재욱
◾ 정재민, 정재욱, 오지현, 문형준, Suggestion of improved construction safety report for enhancing the user of readability based on document layout analysis, 2023 fall conference of The Korean Society of Safety, 부산BEXCO, 2023정재욱
◾ 이민수, 정재욱, 오준택, 송민우, Quantitative accident probability analysis based on Progress payment based on the number of working days of construction machinery input considering operation rate, 2023 fall conference of The Korean Society of Safety, 부산BEXCO, 2023정재욱
◾ 김민지, 정재욱, 정재민, 조동명, 손재희 오지현, Identifying the effectiveness of Mobile ToolBox Meeting system for improving the safety awareness and for construction workers, Global Cleaner Production Conference 2023, Marriott Parkview, Shanghai, China, 2023정재욱
◾ 루이스 쿠미, 정재욱, 정재민, 이민수, Optimizing Prefabricated Column Design Selection for Eco-Friendly Construction: A Genetic Algorithm Approach, Proceeding of Asia Pacific Symposium on Safety 2023, BITEC Bangkok, 2023정재욱
◾ 문형준, 정재욱, 정재민, 이민수, Development of a Framework for Quantitative Accident Risk Level Using K-means Clustering, Proceeding of Asia Pacific Symposium on Safety 2023, BITEC Bangkok, 2023정재욱
◾ 이재현, 정재욱, 정재민, Construction Safety Risk Assessment Method Based on Accident Loss Cost in the Construction Phase, 2023 Spring conference proceeding of the Korea Institute of Building Construction, 제주신화월드, 2023정재욱
◾ 문형준, 정재욱, 정재민, Calculation model for estimating the number of construction workers for multi-plex housing construction using workers input data, 2023 Spring conference of The Korean Society of Safety, 메종글래드제주, 2023정재욱
◾ 원정훈, 정재욱, Analysis of Regulations on Disaster Safety Certification System and National Certification Technology Level, 2023 Spring conference of The Korean Society of Safety, 메종글래드제주, 2023정재욱
◾ 이경구, 정재욱, Analysis of private certification technology levels such as academic societies for the establishment of disaster safety certification, 2023 Spring conference of The Korean Society of Safety, 메종글래드제주, 2023정재욱
◾ 정재욱, 이재현, 정재민, 이민수, Overview of research on establishing a disaster safety technology certification system to expand the application of INNOVILT solutions for disaster response, 2023 Spring conference of The Korean Society of Safety, 메종글래드제주, 2023정재욱
◾ 정재민, 정재욱, 이재현, Empirical analysis of risk level for prefabricated construction method in large industrial building using discrete-event-simulation, Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2022, 여수엑스포컨벤션센터, 2022정재욱
◾ 조동명, 정재욱, A Study on the Improvement Level of Safety Consciousness and Safety Training Effect of Construction Workers through Mobile-based TBM, Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2022, 여수엑스포컨벤션센터, 2022정재욱
◾ 정재민, 정재욱, 이민수, 이재현, Framework for improving the prediction rate with respect to outdoor thermal comfort using machine learning, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2022정재욱
◾ 이민수, 정재욱, 정재민, 이재현, Analysis of Relationship between Construction Accidents and Particulate Matter using Big Data, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2022정재욱
◾ 심유경, 정재욱, 정재민, 이재현, Preliminary Analysis of Quantitative Risk Assessment using Severe Injury Data of Construction Industry from US OHSA, Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2022, 메종글래드호텔 제주, 2022정재욱
◾ 루이스 쿠미, 정재욱, 정재민, 이재현, Analysis of Human Health and Environmental Impacts due to Building Construction Project Using Life Cycle Assessment, Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2022, 메종글래드호텔 제주, 2022정재욱
◾ 방새미, 정재욱, 소재호, 정재민, 이재현, Evaluation of Accident Risk Level on Pre-Construction Phase Based on Construction Cost, Size, and Type of Facilities, Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2022, 메종글래드호텔 제주, 2022정재욱
◾ 이민수, 정재욱, 정재민, 이재현, Evaluation of Effects of Air Pollutants Concentration on Probability of Accident in Construction Industry, Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2022, 메종글래드호텔 제주, 2022정재욱
◾ 추근호, 정재욱, A Study on the Effect of Safety Leadership on Organizational Trust in Construction Sites: Focusing on the Moderating Effect of Communication and Motivation, Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2021, 메종글래드호텔 제주, 2021정재욱
◾ 손신명, 정재욱, Evaluation of Risk Level on Residential Construction Projects and Efficacy of Safety Patrol Team Operation considering Number of Workers and Construction Cost, Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2021, 메종글래드호텔 제주, 2021정재욱
◾ 윤경중, 정재욱, A Study on the Prevention of Critical Accidents in Theme Parks focused on Industrial and Civilian Accidents, Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2021, 메종글래드호텔 제주, 2021정재욱
◾ 심유경, 정재욱, 정재민, 이재현, Comparative Analysis of the Fatality Rate per 100,000 Workers in the Construction Industry among OECD Member Countries using Multi-Criteria Evaluation, Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2021, 메종글래드호텔 제주, 2021정재욱
◾ 소재호, 정재욱, 정재민, 이재현, Analysis of Ratio of the Labor Cost to Construction Revenue in Residential Building Project using Daily Work Report, Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2021, 메종글래드호텔 제주, 2021정재욱
◾ 정재민, 정재욱, 이재현, Analysis of Productivity and Safety for Prefabricated External Insulation Wall system, Spring Conference of The Korean Society of Safety 2021, 여수 엑스포컨벤션 센터, 2021정재욱
◾ 소재호, 정재욱, 정재민, 이재현, Development for Calculating the Number of Construction Workers Framework based on Daily Work Report, Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2021, 여수 엑스포컨벤션 센터, 2021정재욱
◾ 황지원, 정재욱, Analysis of Interpretation Differences between Acceptors and Future Tasks on the Critical Disaster Punishment Act, Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2021, 여수 엑스포컨벤션 센터, 2021정재욱
◾ 이민수, 정재욱, 정재민, 이재현, Analysis of Fatalities and Injuries in the Construction Considering Thermal Comfort, Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2021, 여수 엑스포컨벤션 센터, 2021정재욱
◾ 양세훈, 정재욱, A Study on the Improvement of Occupational Safety Training for the Worker on the Line of Shipbuilding Industry, Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2020, 온라인, 2020정재욱
◾ 정재민, 정재욱, Framework for Quantitative Evaluation of Accident Cost in Construction, Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2020, 경주 코오롱호텔, 2020정재욱
◾ 소재호, 정재욱, 정재민, Analysis for Improving Design For Safety focused on Participants, Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2020, 경주 코오롱호텔, 2020정재욱
◾ 정재욱, 이승환, Productivity Enhanced Composite Structural System in Singapore and South Korea, The 10th International Symposium on Steel Structures, Jeju, Korea, 2019정재욱
◾ 정재욱, 이승환, CASE STUDIES OF INNOVATIVE COMPOSITE STRUCTURAL SYSTEM APPLIED TO SINGAPORE AND SOUTH KOREA, 7th International Congress on Architecture and Structure : From Past to Future, 터키 이스탄불 , 2019정재욱
◾ 김문수, 안종주, 중대재해사고백서 2024 우연히 일어난 사고는 없다, 편서, 979-11-88896-46-2, 고용노동부, 한국산업안전보건공단, 2024정재욱
◾ 이정식, 안종주, 중대재해사고백서 2023 아직 위험은 끝나지 않았다, 편서, 979-11-88896-38-7, 고용노동부, 한국산업안전보건공단, 2023정재욱
◾ 저자: Michael Pawlyn, Biomimicry in Architecture, 역서, 9788970939728, 光文閣, 2020정재욱
◾ 건설공사의 확률기반 정량적 중대재해 리스크 평가 모델 구축, 한국연구재단, 2019.09.~2022.02.정재욱
◾ 중대재해 사례에 기반한 건설업의 작업 및 위험분류체계 통합 프레임워크 개발, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.정재욱
◾ Analysis of Universal Thermal Comfort Index in Köppen- Geiger Climate Regions of the South Korea, 학술대회 우수논문상, The Korean Society of Safety, 2024정재욱
◾ 작업일보를 활용한 아파트공사 적정 노무비율 분석, 학술대회 우수논문상, The Korean Society of Safety, 2022정재욱
◾ 외단열 선조립 벽체의 생산성 및 안전성 평가 분석, 학술대회 우수논문상, The Korean Society of Safety, 2021정재욱
◾ 참여주체별 인식을 반영한 설계안전성검토 제도 개선 방안, 학술대회 우수논문상, The Korean Society of Safety, 2020정재욱
◾ 자연을 닮은 생태모방건축기법, 2020년 세종도서 교양부문 선정, 한국출판문화산업진흥원, 2020정재욱
◾ 2019학년도 교육분야 우수교육상, 2019학년도 교육분야 우수교육상, 서울과학기술대학교, 2020정재욱
Department of Safety Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, Korea Tel:+82-2-970-6372
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