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Taehoon Kim
Fire safety
2012.02. BS, Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang Univervisty,
2018.02. PhD, Mechanical Convergence Engineering, Hanyang Univervisty,
2018.03. - 2019.08. Post-doctoral researcher, Hanyang University
2019.09. - Present Assistant professor, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
Research Areas
Fire Engineering
Combustion(Fire, Explostion) and spray analysis (CFD)
Journal Papers
◾ 설치 방법에 따른 스프링클러 분무의 살수밀도 분포 균일도 개선, Fire Science and Engineering, vol.38 No.2 pp.17~23, 2024김태훈
◾ Optimization of fire sprinkler design for uniform water flux distribution using a micro-genetic algorithm, Fire Safety Journal, vol.144, 2024김태훈
◾ Derivation of Optimal Design Variables Considering Carbon Monoxide Emission Characteristics of Commercial Gas Stove Burners, Journal of The Korean Society of Safety, vol.39 No.1 pp.1~8, 2024김태훈
◾ Modeling of wood crib fires using a detailed pyrolysis model, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2024김태훈
◾ Characterization of in-cylinder spatiotemporal flame and solid particle emissions for ethanol-gasoline blended in gasoline direct injection engines, Energy, 2023김태훈
◾ Spray Characteristics Analysis of Fire Sprinkler Spray with Image Processing, International Journal of Fire Science and Engineering, 2023김태훈
◾ Factors affecting water flux distribution of fire sprinklers and effect of water flux uniformity on fire suppression characteristics, Fire Safety Journal, 2023김태훈
◾ 화재 진압용 스프링클러 헤드 유형에 따른 살수 균일도 분석, Journal of ILASS-Korea, vol.28 No.2 pp.97~104, 2023김태훈
◾ Resolving the initial spray structure of fire sprinklers with a volume-of-fluid modeling, Fire Safety Journal, vol.133, 2022김태훈
◾ Analysis of Air Flow inside the Compartment under Backdraft Conditions using Solid Combustibles, International Journal of Fire Science and Engineering, vol.36 No.2, 2022김태훈
◾ LES-VoF를 이용한 소방용 스프링클러 헤드의 보스 및 디플렉터 치수에 따른 1차 분열 특성 분석, Journal of ILASS-KOREA, vol.26 No.3 pp.127~134, 2021김태훈
◾ Spatiotemporal Flame Luminosity and Solid Particle Characteristics in a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine, Transactions of KSAE, vol.29 No.2 pp.133~139, 2021김태훈
◾ Effect of Nozzle L/D of Gasoline Direct Injection Injectors on Spray Characteristics Under Different Superheated Degrees, Transactions of KSAE, vol.28 No.12 pp.883~889, 2020김태훈
◾ Influences of exhaust load and injection timing on particle number emissions in a gasoline direct injection engine, FUEL, vol.268, 2020김태훈
◾ Review on spray, combustion, and emission characteristics of recent developed direct-injection spark ignition (DISI) engine system with multi-hole type injector, FUEL, vol.259, 2020김태훈
◾ Numerical approach to analyze propane flash boiling spray using modified gas-jet model, Applied Thermal Engineering, vol.162, 2019김태훈
◾ Optimizing injector nozzle hole layout of a direct-injection spark-ignition engine for wide open throttle condition, Energy Conversion and Management, vol.181 pp.59~67, 2019김태훈
◾ Numerical and experimental study on effects of fuel injection timings on combustion and emission characteristics of a direct-injection spark-ignition gasoline engine with a 50 MPa fuel injection system, Applied Thermal Engineering, vol.144 pp.890~900, 2018김태훈
◾ Prediction of wall impingement in a direct injection spark ignition engine by analyzing spray images for high-pressure injection up to 50 MPa, Fuel Processing Technology, 2018김태훈
◾ Modeling flash boiling breakup phenomena of fuel spray from multi-hole type direct-injection spark-ignition injector for various fuel components, Energy Conversion and Management, vol.160 pp.165~175, 2018김태훈
◾ Effects of Turbulence Enhancement on Combustion Process Using a Double Injection Strategy in Direct-Injection Spark-Ignition (DISI) Gasoline Engines, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2015김태훈
◾ Effects of the Injection Strategy on the Mixture Formation and Combustion Characteristics in a DISI (direct injection spark ignition) Optical Engine, Energy, 2015김태훈
Conference Papers
◾ 안치준, 김태훈, A Study on Necessity and Improvement Strategies for Disaster Management Systems in Data Centers, 2024 KOSOS Fall Conference Abstract Book, BEXCO, 2024김태훈
◾ 지현호, 김태훈, Analysis of Fire Source Reaching Characteristics for Different Particle Size, 2024 KIFSE Fall Conference Abstract, 대구 수성호텔, 2024김태훈
◾ Hun Heo, Taehoon Kim, Analysis of droplet collision effects in sprays from 1 two adjacent sprinklers, 13th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology 2024, Hotel Susung, Daegu, Republic of Korea, 2024김태훈
◾ 안병규, 김태훈, Study for Safety Management System of Fire and Explosion prevention in Refinery Plant, 2024 KOSOS Fall Conference Abstract book, BEXCO, 2024김태훈
◾ 김승용, 김태훈, Standardization of risk assessment of hazardous risk factors for each facility of electronic R&D center, 2023 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety, BEXCO, 2023김태훈
◾ 문재준, 김태훈, Establishment of Evacuation Scenario for Semiconductor FAB Construction Phase Using Evacuation Simulation, 2023 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety, BEXCO, 2023김태훈
◾ 문정환, 김태훈, 전준호, 김시국, 김동은, Review on the Reclassification of Fire Science, Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Fire Science and Engineering Conference, 쏠비치 삼척, 2023김태훈
◾ 문소윤, 허훈, 김태훈, Estimation of Sprinkler Activation Time in Compartment Fires using Extended Alpert's Correlation, Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Fire Science and Engineering Conference, 쏠비치 삼척, 2023김태훈
◾ 방새미, 김태훈, Analysis of Sprinkler Spray using Particle Tracking Velocimetry, Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Fire Science and Engineering Conference, 쏠비치 삼척, 2023김태훈
◾ Taehoon Kim, Improvement on Water Flux Distribution of Fire Sprinklers by Optimizing Deflector Design, 31st ILASS-Japan Symposium, 도쿄, 2022김태훈
◾ 안찬섭, 김태훈, Analysis of Water Flux Distribution for Various Types of Sprinkler Heads, 2022 Fall Conference of KIFSE, 세명대학교, 2022김태훈
◾ 이중훈, 김태훈, Gas Supply Characteristics of Gas Cylinder with Induction Heating Device, 2022 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety, 여수 엑스포 컨벤션센터, 2022김태훈
◾ 석연화, 김태훈, A Study on the Safety Consciousness and Role Performance of Children's Playground Managers, Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2021, 메종글래드 제주/2층, 2021김태훈
◾ 유정범, 김태훈, A Numerical Study for Fire Extinguishing Performance of the Sprinkler Head near the Beam, Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2021, 메종글래드 제주/2층, 2021김태훈
◾ 김태훈, Improvement in Homogeneity of Fire Sprinkler Water Flux Density by Changing Deflector Geometry, Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2021, 메종글래드호텔 제주/2층, 2021김태훈
◾ 김정대, 김태훈, Analysis of Safety Distance in Case of Arc Flash Hazard using Power System Simulation, Fall Conferernce of the Korean Society of Safety 2021, 메종글래드 제주/2층, 2021김태훈
◾ 김준영, 김태훈, A Study on Necessity and Priority of Smart Safety Management System for Shipbuilding Industries, Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2021, 메종글래드 제주/2층, 2021김태훈
◾ 양민혁, 김태훈, Study on Fire Safety of Four Sandwich Panel Insulation Materials, Fall Conference of KIFSE 2021, EXCO, 2021김태훈
◾ 양소진, 김태훈, Improving Evacuation Safety through Fire Alarm depending on Triage in the Event of a Fire in a Geriatric Hospitals, Fall Conference of KIFSE 2021, EXCO, 2021김태훈
◾ 권오성, 김태훈, The effect of detector on detecting fire above a ceiling, Fall Conference of KIFSE 2021, EXCO, 2021김태훈
◾ 주수영, 김태훈, Compartment fire modeling of major combustible materials at construction sites using pyrolysis reactions, 2021 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Safety, 여수 엑스포컨벤션센터, 2021김태훈
Department of Safety Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, Korea Tel:+82-2-970-6372
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