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Career Directions
 영문-안전공학과 Introduction Career Directions
Career Directions
After graduating from the department, students enter jobs with a wide range of employers, such as private enterprises concerned with safety, public offices, and research institutes.
  • - Civil servants at the Ministry of Employment and Labor or state-funded agencies such as KEPCO
  • - Safety-related public organizations, such as Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency, Korea Gas Safety Corporation, and Korea Industrial Safety Association
  • - Manufacturing and construction companies, including Samsung Electronics and Hyundai Engineering & Construction
  • - Insurance firms, such as Lloyd’s and Korea Fire Protection Association
  • - Self-employed workers manufacturing protective gear or building makeshift installations
Department of Safety Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, Korea Tel:+82-2-970-6372
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